BII project kick-off meeting

BII project kick-off meeting was held in Ewha Women’s University on 7-24, 2015. This project will be funded by MSIP (미래창조과학부) for 4 years, and our team consists of Ewha, SNU, KAIST, UNIST, Korea, Sejong university, and SNU and Samsung hospitals. Our lab will be working on microscope image analysis.

New intern students !!!

Three new undergraduate students (Kanggeun Lee, Junyoung Choi, Inwan Yoo) started the summer internship in our lab! Each student will work on the visualization and computer graphics project. Welcome to HVCL !!


We attended IEEE VIS 2014 held in Paris, France from Nov 8 to 15th, and Hyungsuk Choi, 2nd year MS student in our lab, gave his podium presentation. IEEE VIS is the top conference for Visualization and this is the first VIS paper co-authored by my students. Good job, HVCL!